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Project Details

How will we gain access to the property? (Please provide any additional information we need such as combo code, building access, in the section for additional comments below) * required
Is this a gated community?
Is there somewhere specific we should park? * required
Is the property vacant? * required
Please detail amenities we should capture as well as any information we need to find/access them * required
If AMENITIES are at a different address, please provide the address
What rooms would you like us to Virtual Stage? * required
Please provide the name and address of 2-3 locations that you would like to highlight in the community in the video (shopping, parks, transportation, etc.)
What Community areas should we capture? The more detailed you are the better we can capture your vision in the time we have.
How should we record your video? * required
Please mention any features of the home you would like us to highlight in the video
Is it ok for us to arrive and start early in the event our schedule allows it? * required

Additional Information

Please enter anything else we may need to know (i.e. gate code, special feature of the home to make sure we get, etc.)

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